Zdrowych, radosnych i pogodnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia w gronie rodzinnym oraz Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku, życzy redakcja roswell.pl
P.S. Alex pamięta o konkursie cały czas :)
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Thank you for you kind words. and to reflect on your cmoemnt data mining, requiring a lot of, well, mining, can be very rewarding, with additional facts (or fiction) arising to expand on the previous knowledge. in this case, we didn't want to put too much load onto the infographic, but there's yet another intreresting fact about roswell: regardless of the operation paperclip theory, germans were (according to wiki) in roswell for sure. during the wwii, they were situated in a prisoners of war camp, and used for major infrastructure works in the city. former iron cross park, now pow/mia park, serves as a reminder, along with the inserted piece of a dismantled berlin wall, contributed by the german air force. talking about some odd facts . . . ~ZW7Km7t0
UFO and remote mind rnadieg/manipulation technology is very real and was created by Nazi scientists by the end of WW2 with no alien help. there is a war being waged against the general population by a criminal organization that works within high ranks of the US military and many other governments. the game is to control peoples minds,ďťż to enslave humanity. the ones who get close are made to believe we are in contact with alien civilizations. some angelic/demonic beings from other dimensions. ~wdXhP3bA
I have always bieveeld the Roswell crash was a spy plane from another country. It had technology that was advanced from our own in 1947. Our government kept it classified because they wanted to study the technology and adapt itďťż for our own use. By saying it was a UFO, they never had to admit possession of another country's spy plane. I have written a book depicting a realistic (but fictitious) alien encounter. AliensInParadise doot com ~dXdWFdbK
Właśnie obejrzałam pilot. Straszny... yh justynka__
A ja bym zobaczyła :D Niestety, już praktycznie się nie zdarza emisja nowych seriali w dobrych godzinach...
Vampire Diaries też jakoś po nocach emitowali... Beauty_Has_Come
Dodałem coś od siebie i wrzuciłem na FB ;> ALEX_WHITMAN
A my cieszymy się, że pasja pozostała nie tylko w nas :)
P.S. Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku! ~Olka
I wszystkiego dobrego również dla Was, nasi niestrudzeni Redaktorzy, dla których Roswell to było coś więcej, niż kolejny serial w bogatej telewizyjnej ramówce.
Oby tej energii i pasji do redagowania roswell.pl nigdy Wam nie zabrakło, jak również by ciągle zaglądali do Was starzy Roswellianie :)
Nie wyobrażam sobie, że kiedyś wejdę na tę stronię, i nie znajdę takich życzeń... Beauty_Has_Come